
Le Bonne Entente Hotel is committed to the environment and reducing its ecological footprint by applying different sustainable development practices. Here are some of the actions undertaken by the hotel over the years, including:

  • Six electric terminals for electric vehicle owners to fill up—with electricity
  • Low-flow toilets in the rooms and suites that enable us to save more than 500,000 litres of water per year
  • Waterless urinals in public washrooms
  • Energy-efficient light bulbs throughout the entire hotel
  • Participation in the Save the Planet program: to prevent excessive washing, towels are changed only upon guests’ requests during their stay
  • Choice of organic coffees and certified fair-trade wines
  • Use of paper made from 100% post-consumer recycled fibre for internal photocopies, saving 66 trees and 180 thousand litres of water per year—all while reducing the equivalent of four tons of greenhouse-gas emissions into the atmosphere
  • Use of hybrid vehicles for our shuttle service